Monday, June 2, 2008

The Mojito: Proof of a benevolent deity?

On a summer (ok yes, technically it's still spring, but as I'm writing to you from Atlanta, GA, home of humidity and 85+ degree days starting in April, I reserve the right to call it summer) evening, nothing hits the spot quite like a mojito.

Mojitos are hands-down my favorite summer drink, though the Vodka-Thyme Lemonade
has lately been giving it a run for its money. But still, a mojito, with its refreshing combination of mint, lime and rum, just screams "summer!" to me.

But mojitos are a little more complex than say, a vodka tonic, which is probably why lots of people consider them a restaurant-or-bar cocktail rather than one to make at home.

I like mojitos too much to only drink them when I'm out. So I've been making them, and kids, you heard it here first: They're not really so tricky. True story.

Confession time: I don't use a recipe. Try to contain your shock, since I fail to use recipes for most of my drinking endeavors. I add a little of this, a little of that, and somehow it always works out!

There are some guidelines I'd suggest though, if you want to enjoy a mojito at home, rather than shelling out $9 bucks for one.

Ingredients: limes, mint, club soda, simple syrup*

Muddle mint, lime and simple syrup in the glass. Your mileage may very, I like a very minty, limey mojito. I usually use two thick wedges of lime and at least five medium-size mint leaves. I start with a tablespoon of simple syrup.

So use your muddler - or, if you aren't mooching off your parents like me, a fork - to mash those ingredients and mix them as much as possible. Add ice till the glass is about 3/4 full, then 1 1/2 ounces of rum. We used gold rum most recently, but white is traditional. Your taste preferences may vary. I quite like the gold rum in a mojito. Give it a stir with a long spoon, and have a taste.

You may want to add another half-spoonful of your simple syrup. Then top off with club soda, another squeezed lime wedge, add another few cubes of ice if you want, and enjoy!
* I've had mojitos made with regular sugar. I've even made them. It's not worth it. Simple syrup is aptly named. It is SO SIMPLE. One part sugar to one part water, at amounts to suite your needs. 1/2 cup sugar to 1/2 cup water if you don't want ten different styles of simple syrups in your fridge. They take up space. I speak from experience.

In a medium saucepan combine sugar and water. Bring to a boil, stirring, until sugar has dissolved. Allow to cool.

Plus then you can have fun infusing them with anything that strikes your fancy. Infusing stuff is cool.